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Cheese Quesadillas

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I n g r e d i e n t s :

  • Tortillas

  • ½ cup cheddar cheese (per tortilla)

  • ½ butter

  • Caramelized onions (optional)

  • Leftover chicken (optional)



  1. Prepare whatever filling you like. For this, we are going to use chicken, onions, and cheese. 

  2. Melt your butter into a skillet over medium/medium-high heat.

  3. When your pan is hot, add one tortilla and sprinkle your cheese on top.

  4. Add your filling over just HALF of the cheese tortilla. This will make it easier to fold.

  5. Once the cheese starts to melt, check the underside of the tortilla. Once it’s golden brown and the cheese has melted, fold the half of the tortilla that has no filling over the top to make the shape of a quesadilla. 

  6. Take the quesadilla off the heat and transfer to a cutting board. Cut into wedges and serve warm.

  7. Enjoy!

Video Tutorial

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